About us

IT4process GmbH offers software solutions and consulting services for hospitals with a focus on surgical resource control, sterile supplies (CSSD) and case cart logistics.

IT4process GmbH was established as a spin-off of the renowned RWTH Aachen University. Our team of experts has spent over ten years with the analysis and optimization of processes in hospitals and other enterprises with complex workflow processes, as well as with the support of these processes with software solutions. In this time we have developed solid process and optimization knowledge. Based on this, and in collaboration with the University Hospital of the RWTH Aachen and further pilot users, we have developed process-adapted software solutions for optimal support of the employees in the exercise of your daily business in various fields. Addressed areas are: surgical resource control, case cart logistics, intensive care unit, surgical care service, anaesthesia, emergency room and Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD).

Due to the ever increasing cost pressure, efficient processes are extremely important for hospitals. The aim is to reduce costs while continuously improving quality and patient safety. As specialists in the area of planning, control and optimization we support you in optimizing your processes and provide you with successfully tested solutions to improve interdepartmental communication. The success and satisfaction of our customers are our highest goals. It is our vision to make the daily operations more efficient, safer and thereby easier on everyone involved. Therefore, we continuously optimize the way information is used and accessed. This enables employees to make better decisions and coordinate work processes on the basis of more comprehensive and always up-to-date information. Thus you increase your profitability, reduce unforeseen problem -situations and wrong decisions and save money.

In addition to our existing product portfolio, we offer a range of services. More …